
Health, Nutrition, & Nurses – Jordan Syatt

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Episode 26
Episode 26
Health, Nutrition, & Nurses - Jordan Syatt

About the show

This week we have a little different approach to the podcast. Instead of it being an interview with a nurse, we are having a conversation that it for nurses and will help a lot of nurses. Today, I sit down with Jordan Syatt. I have been following him on Instagram for some time and I absolutely love his approach to fitness and nutrition. It is common sense and easy to achieve.

“Jordan Syatt is a short, bald, Harry Potter nerd with an affinity for Deadlifting and also happens to be Gary Vaynerchuk’s personal trainer. Jordan began Syatt Fitness, his online fitness coaching business, from his dorm at the University of Delaware in 2011 and has become one of the industry’s leading experts in strength training, nutrition, and behavioral psychology. One of the only people in the world to deadlift 4x his own body weight, Jordan’s work has been featured all over the world including a variety of media publications such as CNN, The Huffington Post, Business Insider, Men’s Health Magazine, Men’s Fitness Magazine, and Schwarzenegger.com”

Meet the Hosts

Jordan Syatt

One of the only people in the world to deadlift 4x his own body weight.

Jordan’s work has been featured all over the world including a variety of media publications such as CNN

Erika Browning

Hi there!  My name is Erika Browning and I am the nurse behind the Black Sheep Nurse!

I will have weekly podcast interviews and will provide tips and resources. And we will have a lot of fun along the way. So subscribe to the podcast and email list and you’ll be the first to know

New Episode Available Weekly

    Ayla Roberts – Freelance Health Care Writer

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    Episode 25
    Episode 25
    Ayla Roberts - Freelance Health Care Writer

    About the show

    This week on the podcast we have Ayla Roberts, BSN, MSN. She is a freelance healthcare writer who is a nurse!

    Ayla started her nursing career by obtaining her BSN. Though it wasn’t her first choice, she started on a med/surg floor and then went into pediatrics. Ayla had always loved writing but didn’t start by knowing that you could combine nursing and writing into one career! She was on maternity leave and starting thinking of jobs/ways she could be more present with her family and still use her nursing degree: enter freelance writing.

    Ayla takes us through her nursing journey, her discovery of freelance writing and how she got started. She also gives you tips and ideas on how to start that journey yourself if that is something that interests you!

    Meet the Hosts

    Ayla Roberts, BSN, MSN

    She is a freelance healthcare writer who is a nurse!

    Ayla started her nursing career by obtaining her BSN

    Erika Browning

    Hi there!  My name is Erika Browning and I am the nurse behind the Black Sheep Nurse!

    I will have weekly podcast interviews and will provide tips and resources. And we will have a lot of fun along the way. So subscribe to the podcast and email list and you’ll be the first to know

    New Episode Available Weekly

      Director of Clinical & Quality Improvement at the National Healthcare for the Homeless Council – Courtney Pladsen

      Start Listening

      Episode 24
      Episode 24
      Director of Clinical & Quality Improvement at the National Healthcare for the Homeless Council - Courtney Pladsen

      About the show

      This week on the podcast we have Courtney Pladsen, BSN, DNP. She is the Director of Clinical & Quality Improvement at the National Healthcare for the Homeless Council. She has obtained her BSN from Boston College. Courtney first started her nursing career in the Emergency Room and then went on to obtain her DNP and work with the homeless population.

      Courtney always had a passion for politics and advocacy at the federal level. She takes us through her journey as a nurse and how she went from an ER nurse to getting her DNP, to working with the homeless, to her current position. She highlights the importance of nursing advocating for patients at the national level and how important the nursing experience is. People listen to NURSES!
      Courtney also tells us about her own personal history and how it shaped her nursing career and compassion for this patient population.

      Be sure and listen to this episode and share with others who might be interested in this amazing opportunity in nursing!

      Meet the Hosts

      Courtney Pladsen, BSN, DNP

      She is the Director of Clinical & Quality Improvement at the National Healthcare for the Homeless Council. She has obtained her BSN from Boston College

      Erika Browning

      Hi there!  My name is Erika Browning and I am the nurse behind the Black Sheep Nurse!

      I will have weekly podcast interviews and will provide tips and resources. And we will have a lot of fun along the way. So subscribe to the podcast and email list and you’ll be the first to know

      New Episode Available Weekly

        Clinical Associate Professor, PhD Simulation Lab – Laura Klenke-Borgmann

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        Episode 23
        Episode 23
        Clinical Associate Professor, PhD Simulation Lab - Laura Klenke-Borgmann

        About the show

        This week on the podcast we have Laura Klenke-Borgmann. She is a clinical associate professor at the University of Kansas, School of Nursing. She has obtained her BSN, MSN, and PhD. Laura first started her nursing career in the Emergency Room and then went on to do travel nursing in New York City! She later realized her passion for teaching when she was a preceptor on the floor. She went on to get her MSN and then later her PhD.

        As a clinical associate professor, she teaches the very dreaded pathophysiology class! However, she wanted to find a way to better bridge the gap between classroom knowledge and the actual work nurses do on the floors. Enter, simulation labs.

        Laura has conducted multiple studies in relation to simulation labs and nursing learning/knowledge. Today, she tells us about those studies and how nurses can get involved and work in simulation labs.
        Be sure and listen to this episode and share with others who might be interested in this amazing opportunity in nursing!

        Meet the Hosts

        Laura Klenke-Borgmann

        She is a clinical associate professor at the University of Kansas, School of Nursing. She has obtained her BSN, MSN, and PhD

        Erika Browning

        Hi there!  My name is Erika Browning and I am the nurse behind the Black Sheep Nurse!

        I will have weekly podcast interviews and will provide tips and resources. And we will have a lot of fun along the way. So subscribe to the podcast and email list and you’ll be the first to know

        New Episode Available Weekly

          Pediatric ECMO – Rosina Garcia

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          Episode 22
          Episode 22
          Pediatric ECMO – Rosina Garcia

          About the show

          This week on the podcast we have Rosina Garcia, BSN. She is a pediatric ECMO nurse at one of the largest children’s hospitals in Los Angeles. When Rosina first started out in nursing, she had multiple epiphanies about what exactly she wanted to do in nursing and found herself loving pediatrics.

          As she was working in a pediatric ICU, she discovered ECMO nursing and started asking questions. (ECMO = Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation). She eventually made the transition into that specialty. She tells us how their ECMO department is organized, what ECMO is, why nurses are a good fit for the specialty, how many shifts you work, what you do during your shift, and so much more. Her passion for ECMO nursing is contagious! Be sure and listen to this episode and share with others.

          Meet the Hosts

          Pediatric ECMO - Rosina Garcia

          she was working in a pediatric ICU, she discovered ECMO nursing and started asking questions. And she eventually made the transition into that specialty.

          Erika Browning

          Hi there!  My name is Erika Browning and I am the nurse behind the Black Sheep Nurse!

          I will have weekly podcast interviews and will provide tips and resources. And we will have a lot of fun along the way. So subscribe to the podcast and email list and you’ll be the first to know

          New Episode Available Weekly

            Dr. Sandra Pagenta of Doctor Nurse Podcast

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            Episode 21
            Episode 21
            Dr. Sandra Pagenta of Doctor Nurse Podcast

            About the show

            This week on the podcast we have Sandra Pagenta, DNP, APNP and podcast host of the Doctor Nurse Podcast.  Sandra started her nursing career on a med/surg floor like so many of us.  However, that wasn’t to be her final destination.  Just a couple of years into her nursing career she decided to go back to school and became a nurse practitioner (NP) and then later achieved her DNP.  She is currently working part time as a urologic Nurse Practitioner and loves working with the geriatric population.

            Sandra also started a podcast called Doctor Nurse Podcast.  On this podcast she features RNs and NPs using their degrees and certifications with a business and freedom mindset. 

            She also has an Etsy shop with merchandise specifically for nurse practitioners. 

            She is an absolute wealth of knowledge.  I love how she constantly has ideas flowing!  Be sure and listen to this episode.  Check her out on Instagram @doctornursepodcast or on her website www.doctornursepodcast.com

            Meet the Hosts

            Sandra Pagenta, DNP, APNP

            Sandra started her nursing career on a med/surg floor like so many of us.  However, that wasn’t to be her final destination. 

            Erika Browning

            Hi there!  My name is Erika Browning and I am the nurse behind the Black Sheep Nurse!

            I will have weekly podcast interviews and will provide tips and resources. And we will have a lot of fun along the way. So subscribe to the podcast and email list and you’ll be the first to know

            New Episode Available Weekly

              MedVenture App with Ryan Cogdill & Emily Cheng

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              Episode 20
              Episode 20
              MedVenture App with Ryan Cogdill & Emily Cheng

              About the show

              This week on the podcast we have nurse entrepreneurs Emily Cheng and Ryan Cogdill of MedVenture App.  These two amazing nurses started their nursing journeys on the west coast and made their way into travel nursing.  After meeting at TravCon, an annual conference for healthcare travelers in Las Vegas, Ryan and Emily decided to team up and start an app aimed at helping travel healthcare professionals.  MedVentureApp is a free social, mobile, and community app for all travelers to connect, find community, and empower one another.  They host meetups, reviews of hospitals and travel agencies, provide information about housing and food, and so much more!

              In today’s episode, they tell us how they got started, who their app is for, what their app offers healthcare travelers and about their upcoming MedVenture Camp.  Check them on Instagram @medventureapp or on their website www.medventureapp.com

              Meet the Hosts

              Emily Cheng and Ryan Cogdill of MedVenture App

              These two amazing nurses started their nursing journeys on the west coast and made their way into travel nursing. 

              Erika Browning

              Hi there!  My name is Erika Browning and I am the nurse behind the Black Sheep Nurse!

              I will have weekly podcast interviews and will provide tips and resources. And we will have a lot of fun along the way. So subscribe to the podcast and email list and you’ll be the first to know

              New Episode Available Weekly

                Adni App with Anthony Scarpone-Lambert & Jennifferre Mancillas

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                Episode 19
                Episode 19
                Adni App with Anthony Scarpone-Lambert & Jennifferre Mancillas

                About the show

                This week on the podcast we have nurse entrepreneurs Anthony Scarpone-Lambert and Jennifferre Mancillas of Adni Marketplace (formerly known as Lumify Care).  These two amazing nurses started their nursing journeys on opposite sides of the nation and met at a hackathon.  (In case you don’t know, a hackathon is a conference for nurse innovators that meet in order to solve healthcare problems).

                After meeting at that hackathon, Anthony and Jennifferre stayed in touch and later decided to launch Lumify.  At Lumify, they invented the UNight Light:  a hands-free wearable light that allows nurses to illuminate their work spaces without disturbing their patients. 

                And that was only the beginning… Lumify led the way to Lumify Marketplace (now Adni Marketplace) which is a community marketplace for healthcare professionals that has products and digital resources for healthcare professionals all in one place.

                Today, they tell us their journeys into nursing and into entrepreneurship.  They are yet ANOTHER amazing example of nurses using their degrees in unique and inventive ways.

                Check them on Instagram @adniapp or their website https://www.adni.co/

                Meet the Hosts

                Anthony Scarpone-Lambert and Jennifferre Mancillas

                These two amazing nurses started their nursing journeys on opposite sides of the nation and met at a hackathon. 

                Erika Browning

                Hi there!  My name is Erika Browning and I am the nurse behind the Black Sheep Nurse!

                I will have weekly podcast interviews and will provide tips and resources. And we will have a lot of fun along the way. So subscribe to the podcast and email list and you’ll be the first to know

                New Episode Available Weekly

                  Brook Feerick – Nurse Case Manager, Life Care Planner, & Entrepreneur

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                  Episode 18
                  Episode 18
                  Brook Feerick - Nurse Case Manager, Life Care Planner, & Entrepreneur

                  About the show

                  This week on the podcast we have Brook Feerick, RN, CCM, CLCP.  Brook has an amazingly varied nursing career that started 35 years ago!  She initially transitioned into nurse case management so that she could work from home.  She eventually ventured out on her own and added life care planner and entrepreneur to her list of accomplishments. 

                  Brook is highly involved within her specialty.  In addition to running her own case management and life care planning practice, she is the President of the Rehabilitation Nurse Coordinator’s Network and is involved in the International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals (IARP).  She teaches a class in disability management at the University of California in San Diego (UCSD).

                  Brook has so much experience to share and she is unbelievably generous with her knowledge.  Be sure to listen and get ideas for your pivot in nursing!

                  Meet the Hosts

                  Brook Feerick, RN, CCM, CLCP

                  Brook has an amazingly varied nursing career that started 35 years ago!  She initially transitioned into nurse case management so that she could work from home

                  Erika Browning

                  Hi there!  My name is Erika Browning and I am the nurse behind the Black Sheep Nurse!

                  I will have weekly podcast interviews and will provide tips and resources. And we will have a lot of fun along the way. So subscribe to the podcast and email list and you’ll be the first to know

                  New Episode Available Weekly

                    Nurse Scientist & Forensic Nurse

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                    Episode 17
                    Episode 17
                    Nurse Scientist & Forensic Nurse

                    About the show

                    This week on the podcast we have Jocelyn Anderson, RN, BSN, MSN, PhD.  Jocelyn has an amazing and unique start to her nursing career where she traveled abroad (as part of her undergraduate nursing program) and worked in an ICU in South Africa..  It was there that she was first exposed to patients who were victims of violence.  That experience is what led her into forensic nursing and becoming an advocate for marginalized patient populations.

                    She is now an associate professor at Penn State University.  There she leads multiple research projects that specialize in forensic nursing as well as teaching students.  She takes us through her career and education track to educate us on how she got to where she is now.

                    If you have ever been curious about research in the field of nursing then today’s episode is for you.  You can find Jocelyn on Instagram @jcandrn and @jcandresearch

                    Meet the Hosts

                    Jocelyn Anderson, RN, BSN, MSN, PhD

                    Jocelyn has an amazing and unique start to her nursing career where she traveled abroad (as part of her undergraduate nursing program) and worked in an ICU in South Africa

                    Erika Browning

                    Hi there!  My name is Erika Browning and I am the nurse behind the Black Sheep Nurse!

                    I will have weekly podcast interviews and will provide tips and resources. And we will have a lot of fun along the way. So subscribe to the podcast and email list and you’ll be the first to know

                    New Episode Available Weekly

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